MAR 2 1 1963 ‘The Rockefeller Foundation 1114 WEST 50th STREET, NEW YORK 20 MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES CABLE: ROCKFOUND, NEW YORK TELEPHONE: COLUMBUS 5-8100 March 19, 1963 Dear Joshua: Thanks for reading everything I sent you so earefully. I am particularly grateful for your first comment which I am going to try to work into something else I am writing right now. I share your obvious am- bivalence about statistical responsibility. My treat- ment of it in the book of course was lifted just about completely from Waddington. I can also plead, though perhaps not very effectively, that a bit of overstress- ing is justifiable on the grounds that the notion is so unfamiliar to most people that it needs to be put in an exaggerated light in order to be seen at all. Yours sincerely, Robert’S. Morison, M.D. Director Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California RSM:sts Yo at JUL