Owtover 23rd b9 Dr. J. LEDERBERG Genetica Department Stanford University STANFORD, California. Dexgr Josh, Many thanks for your memo. It was indeed equally grati- fying to see you for a few days in Sweden. I hope we won't have to wait another ten or fifteen years to be able to think and discuss together for a few hours or days. In fact I will be staying for a month or so at the Salk Instfétute next Februa- rye What about paying us a visit or my paying you one at Stan- ford ? Thanks also for your reminders, especially the one concer~ ning the Magic Mountaine I looked it up again and found a wonderful definition by Settenbrini of the ethics of knowledge. I did see Medawar's speech. It is very charming and most unconvincing. TJIaam against wishful thinking. I thought I had pointed out in my talk that WIXth Century positivism indeed had the character of a faith. It still was a "belief-system", That t#annot do anymore, but I fully realize both the difficulties, the abstractadness, and the insafficien- cies of my proposal. Yours ever, Jacques MONOD. es