AKAROA ZOO Department of Medical Genetics June 3, 1957 Dr. Peter Mitchell Biochemiatry Unit, Zoology Dept. Weat Mains Road, Edinburgh 9, Scotland Dear Peter: I hope you can forgive me for the inordinate delay in replying to your letter of April 8, especially when I had promised in advance to comply with it. I can only pleadesome atypica} distractions from the work that had piled up, and in connection with this new department. I don't have the strains of the ML series, but I can give you the comparable mutants of E. coli strain K-12, according to table 7 of the paper in the Dec. ‘56 Ann. Pasteur Inst. Accordingly, I am sending you the following: Kel2 Wild type Lac’ & ML30 } Please keep in mind that both the permease ] and galactosidase of these strains, where W-2241 sd-called cryptic Lac,” * ML3] present, are inducible. W-2441 received from Monod as 1301-1 and purportedly ‘constitutive cryppic' W~1317 Biddkdd Galactosidase-constitutive * ML-308 W327 Lac, Sua" = mltose-positive, glucose hegative (of Doudoroff, Has sid, Putnam, Potter? and Lederberg, 1949, JBC 171:921.) I've not had much more to say about these strains since 1951 (CSH Symp. 16 and Genetics in the 20th Century. \+-1317 was selected by means of neolactose). I will be interested to learn how far you concur with Monod's imputations. You were most hospitable during our vieit to Edinburgh, and especially generous in lending your shaver--which was one of the most comfortable I have ever used. We have about 8 weeks now before leaving for Australia (for 3-4mos.) and I don't expect we'll get any more done with protoplasts or I-forms, except to write up what we have done so far. We have succeeded in isolating some genetically blocked L~fhype mitants in BE. coli K-12; these have so far proved to be DAP-auxotrophs. I should think you might be interested in these creatures: Elizabeth Work could furnish you with Davis! strain, if you were ; this one is perhaps better worked over than our new ones. With best regardsg Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics