September 6, 1961 Mitltpore Filter Corporation Bedford Massachusetts Gent lemen: | hope that this letter may strike the fortunate note that you have already had oceasion to survey the literature on the cultivation of bacteria on cellophane or other plastic films other than millipore membranes. We have been doing some work lately where the results of a literature search In this area would be most useful to uc and {| am witing to you to ask whether you could offer the courtesy that might save us many man hours of work. We are, of course, indeLted to you for many past favors and for furnishing biblfographles on your own materltals. It may be a point of some Interest to you that the extent of development of bacterlal colontes on miltipore membrane filters can be greatly stimulated by impregnating the filters with egar before laying the fiiters on the nutrient base. 1! would assume that this effect ts based on the superior water-"'buffering'’’ properties of the ager gei @s compared to the membrane material. Whether this finding would be of any use In the more typical application of the filters | am not sure although | can visualize that It would not be too difficult to conduct this impregnation either after the tested samples ave been filtered through the clean membranes. Yours stncersely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.S. . San you furnish type WH microweb fliters In clretes of dlaneter 80-83 mn? (for use In plastic petri dishes). If so, please quote for quantities of 10 and 100. YY, by f aod SOA! ’ a a» go wo