June 5, 1961 Dr. Stanley L. Miller Schoo! of Science and Engineering University of California, San Diego La Jolla, California Dear Stan: Sorry to have been so hard to reach. There was a combination of circumstances. Moscow: we were interested in (1) who might be going to the Congress anyhow, (2) who might be persuaded to go If an urgent need arose. There Is a very small chance that the Russians might agree to an Informal discussion about plans and experiments in planetary biology, and if so we might want to organize a delegation on short notice. < | agree with you about the importance of a hygrometer and that we ~ should back up the gas chrom@tograph. If weight allows the IR plus the mass ~ spectrograph would do the best Job. If not, as seems most likely, wa should r look for a simpler method. what would you recommend for readings down to, i say, 0.1% relative humidity? § will certainly re-echo this wherever appropriate. & Do you know the Conrad-Carson device? “sow : ts Yours sincerely, - ™ Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ene: TX