April 12, 1961 Dr. A. Metzner c/o Chemische Industrie Verlag Handelsblatt G.M.8.H. Dusseldorf Germany Dear Doctor Metzner: It would take an encyclopedic effort to answer your questions, and | would hesitate to oversimplify in generalization. Whether it is politically 'Justiflable'' to maintain a broad range of intellectual activity is misstating the question. Rather it is an objective of our political mechanisms to sustain the free choice of Individual expression. Under separate cover, In case you haven't seen [t, | take the Illberty of sending a copy of ''Goals for Amerficans'' ~- The Report of the President's Commission on National Goals, which is an excellent statement of the aspirations In many flelds by many studious participants In American life. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics