202 Vanderbilt Hall Harvard Medical School Boston 15, Massachusetts January 7, 1961 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. lederberg: Thank you for your letter, and I appreciate your offer. I apologize for my delay in answering--I finally had a chance during Christmas vacation to consider my plans for the summer. I am afraid that time limitations make it necessary for me to decide against working in your laboratory this summer. I must take the National Board Exams late in June, and I couldn't possibly do research for more than a two month period this summer. In view of the nature of your offer, and in full agreement with your point of view, I have decided to try to make other plans. I do want to assure you of my interest in the field of "immunological physiology" and the problem of humoral and cellular defense mechanisms, ass and I hope that in the future I will have the opportunity to do research in this field for a longer period of time, possibly ina ot postdoctoral position. . ye Again, thank you for your generous offer. 6 bea ; t Sincerely yours, 2 NO ; os . Vr PVA seo fate > &y yohn Mendelsohn ~