November 6, 1958 Dr. Philip DO. McMaster Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Sth end York New York 21, New York Dear Or. McMaster: | have been attempting a genetic approach to hypotheses of antibody formation and induced tolerance and of course the problem of persistence of antigens is important. Could you spare reprints of your papers dealing with this question? I have read one account of long persistence of anti- genic material in the liver of mice and rabbits; have | overlooked comparable trials on persistence in other tissues such as the spleen and lymph nodes, investigated by similar immunological techni ques? The main point is to justify the assertion that the maintenance of Immune tolerance requires unexpectedly long persistence of the antigen (cf enclosure). Or. Richard Smith's recent paper in J. Exp. Med. [5s most encouraging. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics Enc: 78A JL/j p Co (a2sly oh