THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY March 10, 1960 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua: I have sent you a box of bacilli from my stocks and Dr, Sarles', Others in the Department had promised cultures but never came through, so I thought I better send what I had. Dr. Sarles has prepared a sheet of histories of his cultures, I did not do so but put the source including official strain numbers directly upon the labels of my cultures. If you become interested in any one and need more infor- mation I may have it for you later, You and Esther are very lucky to be out of our recent winter weather, Please give my greetings to her, Sincerely, “ zé i Lom Awd chee AN 4 « a EM:as Elizabeth McCoy