UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D.c. March 15, 1961 IN REPLY REFER TO: BMB: RSC be ua - L- Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Head Department of Medical Genetics Stanford University Stenford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed is a copy of a research proposal entitled "Study of the Mechanism of the Lethal and Mutagenic Action of Ionizing Radia- tion in E. coli and Yeast” which was submitted to us by Dr. H. Marcovich, Director of the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. We would very much appreciate your comments on the scientific merits of this proposed research and any other remarks that you feel might be pertinent to our consideration of the project. In reviewing this proposal you should bear in mind that it is our policy to support research in foreign countries only if it is unique and studies very similar to it are not being conducted in this country.