Merch 21, 1961 Or. Richard $. Caldecott Geneticist, Blology Branch Division of Blology and Medicine U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington 25, D.C. REF: BMB: RSC Dear Doctor Caldecott: Thank you for referring GK narcovic's station to me for comment. Dr. Marcovich {s well known as a careful and productive worker In the radloblology of bacterla. His experimental designs are well calculated to give fundamental! Information on the mechanism of lethal actlon of radiation- Information which Is very badly needed both as a problem in basic sclence and In the assessment of the biological damage Induced by radiations. He Is credited with perhaps the most useful work In the blological measurement of the effect of very low doses of radiation in favorable material. if any Justification Is needed for support of work of this kind in another country, it should be on the basis of the unique confidence of the Inves- tigator In a research area of critical Importance. 1! do not know of any quite comparable Investigations being carried out In this country - If they are, they must be besed directly on the recent prior work by Marcovich and Latarjet. Zé OL I7ACIA AL f-/ Yours sincerely, . Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.S. May | note an error In transcription In your letter - Dr. Trefouel ts the director of the Pasteur Institute.