October 20, 196] Dr. G. Magni Istituto di Genetica Universita di Pavia Via Sant'Epifanio, 14 Pavia, Italy Dear Glovannt: To your letter of October 17. 1 was glad to hear from you. 1 don't know whether you will have seen the note | wrote to Luca within the last couple of days. My plans are somewhat less chaotic than they were a couple of weeks ago, and | am sure we can work out a very happy arrangement. Needless to say, we are looking forward very much to seeing you and the same goes for Mike Lerner, whom | saw Just a couple of days ago. We would particularly like it If we can arrange to have you and the me Lerner's meet with us for dinner at our home some day during your ~ visit In Palo Alto. As things stand now, | will be at Green Bank, West Virginia on November | and 2 and will return from Washington either late that night or, more likely, the morning of November 3. 1! can discuss this with ig you when you call, but Jt might be worthwhile advance Information. ! understand that Mike Lerner will also be In Washington those two days, and it might be worthwhile to try to arrange for all three of us to fly back together if Washington happens to be your point of departure also. As ever, Joshua Lederberg