October 17, 1961 ISTITUTO DI GENETICA Dr. Joshua Lederberg UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA Department of Genetics coe oe Stanford University PAVIA Stanford, Calif. VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 14 - TEL, 23,029 Dear Joshua: I am trying to fix my plans for my next visit to the States, Luca has told me that during November you could be busy or even away from Stanford. I want therefore to let you know the two possibilities I envisaged for my visit to Califor- nia in order let you decide whether the first or the second could be convenient for you, I could arrive to San Francisco airport either on November 2 late in the evening, spend the night at the airport and then be available for you any one of the four next days. As another possibility: I could arrive late in the evening of November 10 and be available for three or four days. I would be very grateful if you could let me know at Hotel Biltmore in New York by October 26: (a) whether you will be in Stanford at any one of the two periods I mentioned and (b) which one would you prefer. I will in any case call you for fixing the details but a letter of yours could help me for the other appointments I have to fix from New York. My best regards also to Esther, Cordially, eo ony (e } AMMA ay G. Magni