jt Cn S22 August 27, 1 Dear Jacques: Ioan sorry to have taken go long to read Your ASe, bab it arrived while I was away o: vacation, and I have tended to it at my first op- portunity. I have just forwarded it to Sol. DRor'ts Retuaa has returned to Chileaddress bela and T will ask Sol te pass it on to hin. fo don't have to tell you thas this is an inters stiig and exciting story. There tc just one experinental fact » however, that I fael ig lacking for the understanding of the functional relationship of and Jy vitro ralactostdase amtivity., When JT rac inte tbs alecepen 1ey umix between intact-cell and extract activity, this aoticon was of course obyious and pree: uinent, bul Twas puggied by the feilure of azide to influence tha act ivity of the intact cells, And I still ax. If the permease is sensitive to azide, and ds necessary for ia vive activity, why is t> “ere ne effect? Should net an auide~treated susp: of inl fesed or equstitutive cells behave like wor énduccd ob consti wscs Leag.y 2 nee taerefare seen to me possible that the yesysten does av inffuenss the pate af aS Ser of substrate tte te sclis, despise ¢ other re reenadcedie pronerties, Or do you have o Atrect measuwe of & vated wiley T have oy soloviend: “oo my owa alarification Seo, vou lave mecideued that Lata” i a eryepleity subant., Be you happen to have any exparinantal fLpures comparcbie to that of Tuble 7 for the CaLe mrtan: 72 01 nitzint have missed the effect from using as eoatrels cultures that alrealy had . A meyhek oryeptielty factor of about 100. Ie is possiiie «: " bac has a different pe Shore, of change of crypticiuy oi: azine: than docs a ON, semistoable On p. 18, you refer to the searmleticn, ra : *, mpm ae we oe Gos Meteal prool of 163 Tee.” oad Lae A 9 UO Fou have dehy i would hope *hat vou would restore vane misaloy Gawle, ae ft Le verr diffievit to make a critical appraisal of we wnd0US5L09 of Dunctional relationships witha “te. “her and Gurchesh have boo etodyvire shea ; oe op nitants, fe you mow, they recomise thres engrantie st S033 1) Gal+ F— Galel-p (sinage); 2)Galn2~" + “Pr — GlawleP 4 1 (transferase); 3) [PGs] — MPC (ueldenase). Sa fer, Gal,: Gel gel, and Gal» mutants Lael me transferase fas de the : tae Eosemi a wmtants of sapiors); Gal, laexss the kinase walie se der (thes ney be blocked 2a a vite sh minthast 3 moo sbose: ve should loans f or velactose-derendents!), curban’ seme, of sourse, all very, e sosely dinked, Bev sent nea j Anke 3o Snese, end aot in ; Taesa Siaedliags aed eh pre “ininarers we are Lue KEX continue thei: enaly3es. (Tt is tras wa positiar » bUt T hoeiahes 6 ‘ious conclusions itil nese mitatte Wowk . au very wuch for letuiac me read voce us, With best : BNGS, ¥ Raytrerrs te a ttdaen mee amen FO ones