: / 19x79 GYPOGEN Zils OF DIPLOID AND HAPLOID CULTURES DERIVED FROM BACTERIUM SOLI, SiRAIN K-12 Ethelyn Lively The isolation of diploid cultures of Bacteriua coll, strain K-12, (Lederberg, 1949 ) has provided an avenue of approach to cytogenetics of bacteria. In this work, "diploida®™ refers to unstable prototrophs which arose from crosses of auxotrophic mutants, and which are heterozygous for one or more sugar fermentation loci, in wnich the parents differ. They are identified geneticglfy by plating on a complete nutrient agar medium containing eosin-methylene blue indicator, plus the ap»ropriate sugar. If lactose is added, for instance, this medium is called EMB-Lac. Since the ability to ferment sugar is dominant .o its absence, a diploid nékerozygous for lactose fermentation wiitraerk, lac #co-oniea on this medium, but ligt sectors will appear as the Lac - *aploid conponent segregates during the growth of the colony. Such a strain is called Lac v (variegated colonies). The following laboratory abbreviations for media will be waed in this paper: =MB.....-Eosin- methylene blue, complete (peptone) EMS.....Hosin- metrylene blue, synthetic, which does not support the grouth of auxotrophs. . NSA.....Nutrient saiine agar, Difco plus .5% NaCl. he current inves:igation deals with a cytological Any éds8igadtigx comparison of divloids with their Wreloid parents, segregants, and wild type K-12. The methods employed Ph “ay are nuclear staining by Robinow's technique (Klieneberger-iobel, 1950), and more recently, observation of living celis with a dark phase contrast microscope. Diploid cultures have seer been distincuished from naploid by these mechods but it has not been conclusively shown that the difference desends on the number or size of the chromatinic sbructures which nobinow has called o:-romosomes (Dubo Sep 1945). For nuclear staining, blocks of agar from a plate spread wibh bacteria are cut ovt and nlaced in small “etri dishes Por incubation. At desired time intervals, dishes are re oved from ibe in ubator and inverte’ ove small wide-mouthed bottles of Osmic a-:id. -"e vapor fixes the cells as they grow on “ns surface of agar; then, an impgzesisn of she grow is printed on a coverslip. “he bacteria on th: coverslio are post fixed in ~ Sehaudinn(’s reagent, washed in 7045 alsoval, water, cold normal HOl, and hydrolysed for 3 Patt y 10 minutes in normal Hl at 60° Se. °-ey are returned to cold Hl, water, phosphate buffer as DHT, stained with itiemsa for 30 minutes, rinsed in buffer and mounted onfa slide in the water soluble resin, Abopon. \/ Observations o° living cells can ;e made on similar agar sevtions cut from the same plate, provided a tnin plate of colorless medium (NSA) is used. [be small section 3g mounted between slide and Coverslip which have teen sterilized by flaming, and the edges are sealed with manometer grease. \/ Then che slide can be incubated between observations or xept at room temperature on the microscope stage. This method for phase microscopy ig based on that described by Stempen(1950), working with B.coli and Proteus vulgaris. He identified light bands in living cells with the chromatinic structures that stain with Feulzen and siemsa. These light bands are visable in the series of pictures of K-12 (1--5). In this experiment, the lag phase was 3Zhours, and division time thereafter, about 45 minutes. No differentiation at all is visable in the earliest picture made before division began. At thés stage, cells O¢/Livthé on stained slides are also small and poorly differentiated. (see piztures 7--9). The same Bausch £ Lomb research microscope with pase contrast aedessories is used for vnase and for bright field photography. For the former, illumination is provided by a carbon arc lamp; for the latter, critical illumination from a ribbon filament lamp is used, with a Wratten 8B (green) filter. Tne camera is a Bausch & Lomb L type. In pictures 21, 22, 23, living cells under phase contrast are compared with stained preparations from the same culture, photograpbed with the same 97X phase ob’ ective, and in bright field, with a 90X apochromatic ob /ective. ‘The phase pictures show that osmic acid fixation has not shrunken the cells appreciably. All these pi=tures are contact prints from 5 ¥7 Panatomic~X or Suver- Panciro-press Easimen Kodak film. Differences 1. Staining reagen:s: Scv-audi-n's reagent: Hgvl, lOgms.jHo0, 2002¢; Ethyl alcohol, 100 romatin. In a previous irradiation experiment with H-226 (no photographs) many snakes Similar .o the one in picture 91 were observed after 5 hours at room temperature. One which was wa ced for two hours was alive, as evidenced by two unequal divisions giving rise to two small cells from one end. (similar to pisture G4, clone3) T here were variou 8 ‘brignt bands and spots in this snake, that persisted for a wile, then grew smaller and after the first hour, disapoeared completely, leaving the smake hoxozsneously dark. The firs. division occured imsediately after their disapoearance. In another half hour she ape spots reappeared in the same areas, chen disappeared, and the second division occured. In the same culture, a number of cells having persisvent J7Zgf/oright bands, showed no signs of life. Ih is not clear how the light area arose in pisture 91. ‘Its position correspends to a spot in the previous picture tnat looks like a constriction, but may be the beginning of the lignt area. Another, though less spectacular example, occurs in the unsreated saploid snake in sictures 53 - 55. Apparent constrictions of she right end (Picture53) have become prominan: ligh: spots (in 54) and disapseared comp)stely (in 55) No inter- pretation will be attempted wentil this p).snomenon has been reproduced and amd more carefully s:udied. Ano he-afPeature of tbe H-226 experiment fas the lysis of many of the cells, pre- sumably due to U.V. activation and liberation of l-sogenic phage. (iwoff and Deibr::ck, unpublisied) roma field of six :e.1ls, under observation, turee disapoeared during the Pout hour afier treatment, leaving only Paint ghosts. ‘his was observed only »>nee in the H® 267 experimani: ino - 91 the long cell in che corner of pisture 90 (oui of fosus) was not Shere she noxt worning. 10 . SUM mM A RY : Diploi: cultures of 3. ¢ ‘i, strdin K-12 have been dissinguisned from haploid culcures by means of nuclear staining. The former have a high proportion of relatively large cells with a distinctive type of chromatin'c s.uructure. “he presence or absence of the lysogenic phage , lambda probably does not affedt the gph édxaAeE/d¥/éi dy staining reaction of eit=er diploids or haploids. In certain relative y stable diploid stocks, known to be heverozygous for a large number of factors, two ce 1 sizes are particularly distinct and can be shown to be localized in microcs!onies, suggesting clonal growth from large diploid and smail, segregant ceils. Preliminary studies of thse s ocxs by observation of living cells with a dark vhase tantrast migrossope “end ‘so svoport this “ypothesis, and comparison of ,: living and stained cells from the same culture indicated that the tipe of chromat‘nic structure characteristic of dipioid cultures, occurs predominaktly in diploid cells. “lira-violet irradiation of dinloids causes some haploidization, for which trere is parallel c tological and pen@tic evidence. Irradiation also has a specific Ph erf oO st on she growth navit and the nuclear material of some ceils. Ts may be correlated with a delayed srowth of diploid :3lls. References: Dubose, R. J. The Bacter‘al dell; Addendum by 3. ¥. R2obinow, Harvard, (1945) Kelner, A. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 35, 73 (1949) | Slieneberzer-Nobel, E. Quart. J. ‘fier. Sci. 91, 340 (1950) Lederberg,J. Genetics 32, 3505 (1947) Lederberg, J. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 35, 178 (1949) luria, S. E. Scienzellll, no.2889,507 (1950) Steusen, H. J. Bact. 60, 81 (1950) Zelle, M. R. 4 Lederberg, J. J. Bact. 61, 351 (1951)