bes , cae MR, . Woods Hole, Mass, | a 12 September 1957 Near Josh and Esther, “s Ce “mo keep the bonds af Commonwealth from. weakening, T thought T'd drop you a line this evening, while. Joyce fiddles with the short-wave set. The world seems 4 small and homely place: Tendon, Hilversum, Moscow, Brussels, throng at our . ‘threshold for @ hearing. pS oe ; Ritty, whose maiden name J, forget and whose: married name _. you got wrong (unless. she,upped and. married somebody vou didn't "expect her to), and. Bruce, or Ben, or whoever he-was, tuted up, ‘and wete given the Grand Tour. The Syesmans: had already left, so they didn't have a chance to meet then® We look . forward to Maurice and Raquel “#ekurnitig-next"¥War. ~ Fust row. the lab. is pretty empty, reminding one of that poem by de la Mare - "The traveller*, J]. think itts called. ‘¥he Gaffrons are here for a short visit, on their way back from Naples, and we may be able to persuage them to cone over fer coffee tomorrow evening. we “Oro di Wapoli« Last night, a film I can heartily recomm@Hd, concerned with fourunconsected episodes in the life of a great city. we even. had neiehhours who kindly provided the olfactory atmosphere ofthe place. Well, stm told it's antibtetic, anyway. A couple of paners whieh interested me todsy were in the P.N.A.S. ("which country?y the Canadian editor pencilled against a reference T!d mad te Dick Starrts work on spore germination) and the Annalg#'de 1'institut Pasteur, bzw. The former was by a chap wae’d found phage shockate from EB. coli to be capable of multiplying not only on protoplasts of BE. coli but also on those of A. aerogenes, etc., though T don 't think he said whe ther: the final crop had any changed host-range. The other mary Bad followed through cell lineages of ». coli zygotes, and pi¢ked up all sorts of hybrid geno- types during the first few divisions. I'm not quite clear why these weren't detected gfrlier. a : The mystery of cell-dgya sion in diatoms beeores more profound when one consi der#’ those genera in whitchione valve has a raphe - a groove in the Silica, through which it can secrete mucilage and slip al@ng thereby - and the-other hasn't. so at each cell-division (sorry, T mean cell division) the have-not produces a have valve, and the have produces a have-not. Thanks very much for your account of Yeron Island; it sounds fascinating. If thabre wi gon is permally,. it has already fascinated ws, sine " Owed some really wonderful coloured slides of its fauna when he visited the Fish & Wildflower Lab. here a few weeks.ago, and (b) some most’ entertaining information on the Barrier Reef animals, not only at that lecture, but also wien we met him again at “tanford, and on. Grove at, the end ef the A,1,B,S, meetings. . He. seems,to be-a.most stimulating verson; with a very wide coverage of interests, and an: excellent. sense: of dry humour. ee ee Jeosuggests that the reason’ coral coasts’ seen to have so )\: fewralgae is that, after all, corals are 90% alga anyway, on _ ca proteinsy basis (or'so the odums have asserted). . Water. passing over s reef bétomes oxyzenated during the daylight hours... Perhaps. competition.for. CO,.is. so intense ‘that only the little endozoic,%0oxanthellae ean get enough to live ‘on. io 2 Shets finished the msnuscript on Phaeodactylum, and provoses to form a new suborder for it, the Monocraticulinense. The describing of new subclasses is a rare event these days. ‘his afternoon I turned up my first paralyzed Platymonas mutant (a msrine cousin of Chlamydomonas), so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, toc. - _We had two meetings here last week, the Timmologists and Oceanographers, mid the General Physiologists,‘ and: by wearing the same badge I leaped nimbly from one to the other without paying a second $2 fee. ‘A session on regulative mechanisms in micro- organisms was most amazing; I had no idea that mass and. magasanik et ond al. had bacteria so trained that they could’ turn on and off ' complicated synthetic and degrading - degradative? - pathways evidently have souls after all -. the bacteria, . ; . ES at will. they T mean. oe ce Do Talking of... well, following free association ... we heard a most interesting debate on the B.B.C.‘last night about prostitution, which is technieally not a legal offense in _ Britain, but which they hope to drive off the streets and, so te speak, into the. telephone system {at least for the. more determined customers). Tt made me realise all the more foreefully what a'Puritanieal. lend [ live in now; .F've not: heard: such free speech on the wireless for yeats. and years. Se T hope ‘that those huge distances and 911’the lecturing are not precluding you from having 4 wonderful time, | - . With warmest vernal ereetings. Paty