a i : to} UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DIVISION OF BOTANY LOS ANGELES 24, CALIFORNIA May 18, 1951 Dre Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Itve accepted the Amherst offer. After stewing over it for a week I can now get some sleep. My decision was not made without weigh- ing all of the possibilities as you lmow, The main reason for my choice is to get a foot on the academic ladder, Under present condi- tions I think that this is a good idea, particularly since an aca- demic job is my wltimate goal. There is one definite disadvantage in my choice, and that is the fact that I shall not be able to work on the problem which you have oroposed, and I cannob help feeling that it would lead to some of the problems of adaptedness that are of interest to me. Would it be possible to tackle some- thing simple at Amherst so that I might be able to keep myself in touch with bacterial genetics? If so, Itd appreciate any suggestion which you might have, There will be certain times when I may be able to get a leave and there are vacations, Because of my interests I mst make the opportunity to work with you, if you will still have me, in the near futube. My stay with you and Esther was wonderful. The Madison Ceof Ce would ~ have been proud of you, Thank you very mich Por your fine hospitality. Elizabeth and I hope to see you both on our way east this fall, though I am afraid that another visit with you will make going to Amherst even more difficult and will further the schizoid nature of my state of mind. Best to regards to you both, al veal, Weleuns ib lrowek On me. “2 \) .