May 16, 1951. My, Ke Po Levine, Division of Botany, University of California, Los Angeles, , Calif. Dear Paul. You met have © green thumb wkth ©. coli, After a batting average of O for the last 150 or so tests, there were no less than four interfertile cultures among the 32 you helped me set up while you were at the lab. Irwin did not have any nomination forma for the G.5.A.~- suggested that a simple letter of nomination which outlined your professional background would suffice. This goes to Singleton, It would probably be more appropriate to have that come from UCLA. Irwin was act sure? that actdon could be taken in time to get you on the program, but you should have no trouble securing an invitation from another member: one of us if need be. Under separate cover you will receive some of Uil's propaganda to compare with Amherat's. We enjoyed your visit very much: come around again sometime. Best regards, and good luck- Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg