April 27, 1951. Me. Re P. Levine, Division of Eotany, University of California, Los Angeles, 24, Calif. Dear Paul: Your letter arrived a few minutes after your call. The AFC award must be very gratifying to you after all this wait, together the inguiry from Amgerst. It was very considerate of you to telephone your plans. This letter is to confirm cur hasty conversation. It would berfoolish for you not to investigate this opportunity, and I hope you will consult your own best interests in making a decision. Naturally, I would be disappointed if you did not Join our group here. But you should not feel constrained about considering an alternative dppor- tunity, especially if it sakes it feasible for you to stop-over and form your own impressions of Madison. Will you let ug know as soon as pussible when you will make your trip? On your westward flight, you can route direstly to Madison #fem Boston or M@atcigek, but you will have to continue further west via Chicago. I ‘hope that you can spare the time to spend uw full day here, as I am sure there are a good many people you might like to see. iWe'll be happy to put you up if the occasion arises. Looking forward to seeing you, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg