Laboratoire Pasteur PARIS (V*), le November 28, 1960. de VINSTITUT DU RADIUM Rue d’'Ulm, 26 Tél.: ODEON 45-75 Service de Radiobiologie et de Cancérologie Professor Joshua Lederberg de Department of Genetics INSTITUT PASTEUR Sanford University 40e- Palo Alto, Calif, U.S.A, Dear Josh : Marcovich and I are interested in your proposal of cooperating in the NASA experiments along the line which your letter of November 21 draws, Since you kindly gave us a first option on this matter, 1 write you briefly in order just to give you my acceptation., We will discuss about more details later, For the time being at least, i feel that our coope- ration could be handled on a personal scientific basis, However 1 would remain free to forward any information concerning our own participation in this work to some scientific or government circles in France, In particular, I will inform the Comité Francais de l'Espace, I do not think I'll go to your country before one year or so, but it will be a nice opportunity to meet you if you come next April to a COSPAR meeting. With best regards, f ley Dr, R, Latarjet Director lofy lo br, farherd fous