No ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY EpIToR EDITORIAL COMMITTEE PUBLISHED BY 3 F. 8. DAFT ANNUAL REVIEWS, ING. . W. Z. HASSID ASSOCIATE ED!Tors B. L. HORECKER T. H. JUKES GRANT AVENUE F. W. ALLEN J.M. LUCK PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. G. MACKINNEY E. L. SMITH August 15, 1957 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: The Editorial Committee of the Annual Review of Biochemistry met recently to plan the contents of Volume 28 (1959). In accordance with decisions reached at this meeting, I am now asked to extend to you a cordial invita- tion to prepare the review desired on Biochemistry of Genetic Factors. We would like to draw your attention to the widespread demands for reviews stressing critical evaluation rather than encyclopedic completeness. The Editorial Committee wishes to extend to you every encouragement to organize your review on a critical basis, even at the cost of sacrificing many papers encompassed by the subject of your review. In brief, critical reviews based upon only portions of the literature are greatly preferred over synoptic summaries of a multitude of papers. Volume 27 of the Annual Review of Biochemistry will be published about July 1, 1958. For your information a list of the topics and authors of that volume is enclosed. We shall eventually inform you of the complete panel of topics and authors for Volume 28 (1959) with the thought that you may wish to cor- respond with one or two of the authors whose topics may border upon your own. All reprints of preceding reviews on the topic that still remain in our files will be sent to you at a later date, The amount of space that can be made available for the review will have to be restricted, unfortunately, to twenty (20) printed pages, including bibliog- raphy. It has long been our hope that such limitations upon length and arbitrary assignments of space would prove unnecessary, but experience con- vinces us that if the Review is to be kept within reasonable size and if a fair balance is to be maintained among the various subjects included in the volume, such restrictions are inescapable. While the Committee is not permitted to give recognition to the generous co- operation of contributors by the payment of honoraria, it has, however, been able to continue the policy of providing the contributor with a complimentary copy of the Review and one hundred reprints of his article. At a later date, a set of instructions pertaining to the preparation of the manuscript will be sent to you. The manuscript itself will be due here by November 1, 1958. PLEASE ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS TO THE EDITOR, ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. ‘wtp Sqany Dr. Lederberg -2- August 15, 1957 The Conmittee has given careful consideration to the selection of authors and has sought the advice of others interested in the Review. We realize how im- portant it is to seek the co-operation in authorship of men of recognized com— petence and distinction in the fields under review. It will be a matter of great satisfaction to the Committee and to the readers of the Review if you will be at liberty to accept this invitation. Yours: very sincerely, Editor JML:af Enclosure SUMMARY Sub ject: Biochemistry of Genetic Factors Pages allotted: Twenty (20) printed pages, including bibliography and illustrations Date manuscript due: November 1, 1958