GENETICS DEPARTMENT PROGRAMS The Genetics Department will share responsibility with the departments of Pediatrics and Ob/Gyn for the implementation of the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Laboratories for Molecular Medicine, which are dedicated to the problem of mental retardation. The Laboratories will provide for a wide range of research, including clinical and laboratory studies on prematurity, Immunological factors In reproduction, the blochemistry of the central nervous system and its develop- mentsand basic studies in molecular biology and the genetics of microorgan! sms. A Blo-Medical Instrumentation Laboratory, supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Is also associated with the Genetics Department. Major activities and principal Investigators: GENETIC CHEMISTRY Professor J. Lederberg (Department Executive) The genetic functions of DNA in bacteria. (DNA transformation In B. subtilis.) CELL GENETICS AND IMMUNOGENETICS Asst. Professor L. A. Herzenberg Genetics of tissue cells In culture; genetics and chemistry of cell antigens (mice); transplantation Imaunity. PHYSIOLOGICAL GENETICS; BIOMETRICAL GENETICS Asst. Professor Walter Bodmer Pending completion of new laboratories (Winter 1964-65) Or. Bodmer is working directly with Dr. Lederberg In genetic chemistry. His previous background has been In population genetics, and he is also continuing studies along these lines, e.9., evolution of dominance, and control of recombination. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY Assoc. Professor Eric Shooter (effective 1963-64) Proteins of the central nervous system: chemical structure; cellular distribution; developmental and genetic control; fole in information storage. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY; EXOBIOLOGY Molecular Blology In relation to biochemical evolution. (Aspects of DNA and protein synthesis.) Responsibility for biochemical concepts to guide the exoblology-instrumentation development. BIO-MEDICAL INSTRUMENTAT ION Research Physicist Elliott Levinthal (NASA support) Engineering development of electronic and mechanical instrumentation for the sensitive detection of basic attributes of life in planatary landing missions. The program stresses the validation of basic con- cepts but Includes selected hardware developments. NASA has specifically charged this laboratory with the extension of technologically rebdted ideas to basic problems in blology and medicine, e.g., Instrumentation for ultra-sensitive assay in genetic chemistry, enzymology or neuro~ blology, as well as problems In other areas of medicine.