| Dono GeuRee ‘ ole es Wis. ( Vm disn, | Wis ) March 15. 1950. Dr. H. J. Muller, Dept. Zoology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Dear Dr. Muller: I am seeking your counsel on an issue that is somewhat related to "mtational prophylaxis", and té which, therefore,-I suppose you have given some thought. Lately, we have been dtudying the mechanism of radiation killing of bacteria, by examining the effects of X-ray and UV on heterozygous diploid E,. cold. It may not surprise you that recessive lethals do not play a detec- table role in killing, but that there is a very striking degree of "haploidi- gation" of the treated diploid cells, which I assume to reflect grosser chromosome damage and loss. I next thought that this might be a useful mathod for classifying bacteri- _ Gidal compounds and agents into those with predominantly "nuclear", and predominantly "cellular" modes of killing. Nitrogen mstard, as expected, gave the same results as radiations. However, we wore surprised to find that quite a considerable number of other organic reagents gave comparable results too, including: formaldehyde, dimtBhyl sulfate, acetio anhydride, and hydrogen peroxide. Killing by heat, basic dyes, Lodoacetamide or iodine, urethane, and some others, had no detectable genetic correlate. These results raise a number of questions, some of first theoretical interest. In view of the homologies, I think 4t ie likely that radiogenttio effects are mediated by reactive compoundsy free radieaas, or tons which share the capacity to bring about substitution reactions, like those mediated by alkyl peroxides, cyclic ethenammoniun, formal, alkylating anhydrides, etc. The results do not bear on the problem of the immediacy of the effects on genes. But aside from this important theoretical question, I am led to wonder whether the potential mutagenic effects [speaking very broadly) of such a wide variaty of organic reagents does not create a hazard broader even than those of Jonjzing radiations. Clearly, we do not know whether such agents are likely to induce mitations in mammals, considering problems of penetration, but it seems to me that this ignorance is potentially dangerous, for the same reason that personal ignorance of X-ray effects is dangerous to the species. I wonder whether this whole problem should not be brougtt before’ some such body as the National Researoh Couhcil. Ordinarily, I Wold not be very enthusiastic for programmatic research, but it ig obvicug that any undertaking to investigate mutagenic effects of industrial Chemleals in mammals would have to be organized on a large scale, and receaivs very broad support, presumably from the Public Health Service or soke other governmental agancy. I do not know of any existing institution that would \ be capable of absorbing such a program. But I think that you will agree that no study of the toxleology of industrial compounds would be complete if it left unrelieved any suspicion of potential mutagenic effects, Pr My own experience with such matters is so limited that I feek that any comments you might make would be very valuable. Perhkps the problem is exaggerated, but I have the feeling that, in our ignorance, chemical mta- genesis poses a problem of the same magnitude as the indiscriminate use of radiations. On the other hand, 4t would be unfortunate if these notions were improperly publicised — I should not like to see many repititions of the "Blastophthorie lead poisdning", which appeared in Eapedournal of Heredity a year or so ago. Yours sincerely, Poy . / doshua Lederberg 4 r a