February 19, 1959 Dear Lois: Thank you for the information. | navesent it on to the proper office here and you should get a favorable confirmation very soon. The Exchange Visitor Program Is very simple: you do appreciate the specific limitation that you will not (ordinarily) is allow. .- return to the US for permanent residence for 2 years after the expiration of your visa. In effect the University assumes responsibility for you, and this greatly simplifies the procedure, Keep In mind that 4ustralaa and the US are the two countries that make pp... ps the greatest fuss about imaigration, so you are probably accustomed to much more than other countrées. | am pretty optimistic about setting up adecent salary for you too. The main snag may be the timing, I.e., I won't be able to get you a cash advance, but if you have accumulated or can borrow enough for the trip | don't doubt you should be able to pay for most of it out of your Savings here i. years-end. Also, tax will pruveily be withheld at some- thing like 30 pc. of net income, but you will be paying probably closer to 15 pc., and you will get a refund after the year. This Is one form of more or less obligatory/ saving! | suppose you don't have to have the visa in hand so long beforehand but you should have definite assurance that no further documentation will be needed from Stanford and that there will be no snags in your getting the visa on time. Tie weather here Is theoretically Ideal: In fact the winter is about like Sydney or a bit warmer, and alternating fine and wet. We get abouc 15-20" of rain here per annum, none of It between April and November. Last week we could See some snow on the ‘hilltops scart, (about 2500! altitude). All this is in Strong contrast to wisconsin, which had some _°°(F.) temperatures and a foot or two of snow soca after we left. Summer is likel, .3 be a bit on the cool side (on ccccuat of the morning fog); alternating with some hot but very dry days. The autumn (late September-early Gctober) is likely to be nottest, witn some 50-95° weather, but dry enough to be bearable, cool nights, ana mostly ragher pleasaant. Ali in all, this is Supposed tu wave tne best climate in tie country, out ft isn't perfect. You may need 5 ane winter togs if you mean to go Skiing In the hills. The surfing's not inuch goog-- water rather cold except in Sept-Oct and the undertow unsafe except at a few beaches, but some about 2 irs. away by car. it's the same ocean, | hope this answers your question; if there is anything to practi -:al advantage please don't hes:ciate to write. Best wishes, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg