STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Sere School of Medicine ~ Cables ST. May 21, 1964 Senator Thomas Kuchel Senate Office Building Washington 25, D.C. Dear Sansbor: First, may I express my profound svoreciation and respect for your posi- tions on civil rights, and less recently on the fear-stirring trash from the lunatic fringes of our society. Secondly, there are some thoughts on practical approaches to the reconver- sion of our technologically advanced (i.e. defense) industries that I would be delighted to be able to share with you. I am sure you must be especially appre- hensive or the outlook for the economy of Northern California; from a national stanipoint also it would be a dreadful waste to dissipate the talents and the efvectiveness of hari-to-build technical teams as we move into different vchases oi our defense requirenents. What I have in mind touches on large-scale medically oriented develonpnent and avplications of these resources. Bringing it about is certainly nore of a political than a technical oroblem; hence my request for an interview. Unfortunately, I have had to retreat from the advisory committees and so we forth that used to make me commute to Washington. Is it asking too much to we request an anpointment with you for some oecasion when you might be revisiting “o back here? There is no day-té-day urgency, ar I would make every effort to ‘eet your convenience, yak oP oy vf Be sincerely, —~\ | : fy orate dy 2 Pa Joshua Lederberz Director, Kennedy Laboratories {or Volecular Medtcine ' Ll ! COPY