S—DAILY PALO ALTO TIMES, TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1959 “PRINCESS DESIREE WITH DR. KORNBERG Five Kornbergs participate in festival YOUNGEST KORNBERG JOINS FESTIVITIES Sweden fetes Nobel Prize winners ‘Dr. Arthur Kornherg’s wife and three sons, who accompanied him to Stock- holm for last Thursday’s presentation of the 1959 Nobel prizes, joined in the festivities at the Nobel Prize Festival Banquet held in the Golden Banquet Room at Stockholm’s city hall. Nine-year-old Kenneth, the youngest of the Korn- bergs’ sons, was also the youngest participant in the festival. He is pictured waltzing with Mrs. Olle Thunberg, wife of a Swed- ish. official. His brothers are Roger, who is 12, and Thomas, 11. At the banquet Dr. Kornberg was seated next to Sweden’s Princess De-— siree, whose grandparents, King Gustav VI Adolf and Queen Louise, presided at the festivities. The king and queen also honored the prize recip- ients Friday evening at a banquet in the royal pal- ace, Dr. Kornberg, professor and executive head of the department of biochemis- try at Stanford University “School of Medicine, shares the prize for medicine with Dr,. Severo Ochoa of New York University. Today the Kornbergs were to fly to Copenhagen, -where they will stay until Friday. They planned to visit Spain and’ southern Italy before leaving Paris by plane Dec. 29, for New York City. After several days in New York they will spend some time with Mrs. Korn- berg’s family in Rochester, N.Y., then return to the Midpeninsula Jan. 2. Mrs. Kornberg is a re- search associate in her | husband’s laboratory and has been co-author of re- search articles with him.