LHE WORM Clot ¢ Bacteriology Dept, Melbourne University 4 Carlton N3, Vic., Australia Law September 1, 1957 Dear Art: — Your letter of the 19th was just forwarded, and met our arrival yesterday. All the good wikhes in the world to you-— I'm sure you and Stanford will both make a finething of this move. We are etill entertaining Berkeleian possibilities, and the buildup at Stanford is no mean incentive. There should be a good deal more intimacy mwtm between the two schools than ‘there has been, and this is a pathway we would all want to improve. , It will be disappointing in a way if the primer £% furnishes reactive end groups rather than linear specificity, but perhaps Genetics ought to stay in hksiness just a while longer as an ‘independent discipline (no longer than either of us could help!) EBether and I have been travelling steadily during the past month, and it will be a pleasure to settle for a while now. We will be in Melbourne until early Novemher; our further plans are still unsettled, but I have to be back at Madison by Dec. 1. My main business here (having done the lecture tour) is some work with Burnet on virus genetics, and a course in the Dept. Bact. on the usual; Esther's in charge of the lab. work for same. Had you thought of including Australia in your itinerary? Unfortunately, the long vac. begins about November 1, but even so something might be arrangeable. It would be particular fun to see you down here, or (if we do go that way) en route west- ward. Are you doing the Pac. Sci. Congress in Bangkok, Nov 15 ff? The Kalckars (and doubtless many others)‘ are planning similar circummavigations. . . we Bo AL we In any case, do let us know how your ssoney peteriaiieee Yours, Joshua Lederberg BMG ht : of MM ee Og " ‘ * tyr CORT Cob Vt wy Ey OH CHALE