THE WISTAR INSTITUTE THIRTY-SIXTH STREET AT SPRUCE PHILADELPHIA 4, PA. HILARY KOPROWSKI, M.D. PHONE: BARING 2-6700 DIRECTOR April 15, 1963 Drs. J. & E. Lederberg 716 Alvarado Row Stanford, California Dear Josh and Esther: I am now planning to arrive in Palo Alto by car on Thursday morning, April 25th, driving from Berkeley. Would you be so kind and tell me once more which exit to take from the freeway and how to reach the campus, since I lost my previous notes? I do not know how long it will take from Berkeley to Palo Alto but I should expect to arrive sometime between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning; where should I reach you at that time? May I ask one more favor of you? I would like to meet Grofetein while I am in Palo Alto and talk to him about several problems of mutual interest; could you check to see if this could be arranged? Iam really looking forward to this brief interlude in California and particularly, to seeing you both again. Warmest regards, Singfrely yours, Hilary Koprowski, M.D. Director HK:pon CABLE ADDRESS: WISTARINST Us lYsmay doy