Ja Dr Hilary Koprowski Dr. Joshua Lederberg Wistar Institute 716 Alvarado Row 36ths Street at Spruce Stanford, California Pahildelphia 4 Pa. SUBJECT: Your trip DATE April 6 L232 Message ss i Dear Hilary: I am sorry that you have to think now of abbreviating your plans, but of course we would like you to come when most convenient for you, and the dates you mention are acceptable, though not as good a fit as the previous schedule, especially if Irene could also come on the latter. So if you can find a last-minute solution to the problem of 4/29, tkam take advantage of it; otherwise, do plan for the April 24 interval. If we don't hear otherwise, we will have to assume you are coming the 2th. ORS 6 we AMAT Mw a You asked me about a book on computers; there is still no ideal one for Biology, but “Computer Applications in the Behavioral Sciences" by Borko(ed.) Prentice Hall 1962 should be recommended. The Hersenbergs have been finding a computer program very helpful. for patrolling their mouse colony, to mention a very prosaic application. More on this ; ENE — wehn we see you. Till then,... So fo Py OfRAA —— stn ta “BON " ee sae st or i mena ene ER NC EN SRE a | i NN SIGNED _ J SENDER: RETAIN THIS COPY