THE WISTAR INSTITUTE THIRTY-SIXTH STREET AT SPRUCE PHILADELPHIA 4, PA. HILARY KOPROWSKI, M.D. PHONE: BARING 2-6700 DIRECTOR CABLE ADDRESS: WISTARINST April 2, 1963 Dr. Joshua Lederberg 716 Alvarado Row Stanford, California Dear Josh: In spite of all efforts, I am unable to find someone to substitute for me for my Virology Lecture on Monday, April 29th. I was wondering, therefore, if it would be possible to push up my trip to the week of April 22nd, Specifically, I could fly out to San Francisco on the newly scheduled non-stop jet Wednesday evening, April 24th. We could then spend Thursday and Friday on business discussions and perhaps devote Saturday to relaxation. I would then return home early Sunday morning. ยข Jp9(n01 a of I don't know if this new schedule will fit in with your plans but I do hope thet eventually, we will hit on 1 something that will suit us both and that we can get together. All the best to you and Esther, Sincerely, Hilary Koprowski, M.D. Director ricrpon Ay yl Ds