334 FAIRHILL ROAD WYNNEWOOD. PA. 4/29/63 | Dea Josh, i Oce more many thanks for your kindness and hospi-.ality and for Esther ing the cold in order to make my stay as delightful as it was. I had an uneventful trip back and have spent the entire tim@trying to "fit in" the virus hypothesis of cancer origin within the framework of the transduction process. I may succeed ana shall write soon to YopaPosine some queries corcere ning more information double inf@rGation with lambda and 434 ang possibility of having a defeo- tive lambda“ with"gal plus” superinfecetd with 434 and then,after incuction at the HFT stage to yhebd yield a complexpf"zgal plus-defective lambdaeand lysérenic 434@"°I shall write about it some MOYE» fx Tonorrow I shalftry to start the blued cards mem®¥y filex if I shall find computers on f&t campuse With many thanks and best regards a) . Hilary t (A¥sniudad