January 25, 1963 Dr. Rupert E. Billinghan Wistar Institute 36th Street & Spruce Philadelpnia 4, Pa, Dear Bill; Thank you for your very kin invitation. I :mstg apologize for being so tariy in replying: I hoped to see if T could work it out this spring. But IT am afraid not, and had better release you for a wiser choice. If there is any leeway in the matter, micht I suggest a corresnoniing jate this October? I an very keen to visit the Institute again; I might also hope to have nore to say in which you might be interested than would be true now. How- ever T would understand it very well if this suggestion is incongruent with the lectureship arrangenents, and if so pleade do not hesitate to Say SO. Me evo With best regaris, | piny. goshua Lederberg fos BCC: Hilary: Esther told me of your call. I am sorry to have alzrmed you overf nothing; the matter is completely over now; it was just an acute upset. I am really sorry about March; I really have to economize on my trips. Some business, or combination of business may come up to necessitate another trip east this spring, but I would like to put it off if at all possible. That is the only reason I was so adamant with the @/S group, a propos the DuPont planning. However, I really do hope you can find a constructive and profitable basis for joining in on this yourself -- there is certainly a large opportunity, and you can count on my own full support, within the kinds of limitations on travel that you will under- stand very well, There could be some fun in working on it together. Judging from the weather reports, maybe we could twist your arm to spend a couple of days out here in "sunny" (at least not-snowy) California. I can think of at least one excuse, and source of travel expenses: Carl Djerassi and Alex Zaf- faroni and I would like very much to get your advice about the new Biology Research Program for Syntex.(We might also then go over whatever comes up re Q/S; not to mention more of general and scientific interest). The best time would be in the interval from February 25 to March 25 (when begins an important symposium here on "Quantum Biology" of polypeptides and polynucleotides.) If there is any more to talk about on any of this, do call me back. As ever