= | Crnead li THE Crmvadl LIAPE CHICAGO oO LiFORD, Executive vice President + ROBERT F. Qu TECEPHONE W&nash 2-4400 ) CONRAD N. HILTON, President + ROBERT P. WILL LETRA. 4/21/57 Dear Esther and Josh, Dealgy in my replies has been caused by several unexpected factors. On February 28th I have received a telegram from England that my father has collapsed and passed away. I was able to catch a plane in time to attend the funeral and had to stay over two weeks in order to try to disentangle many matters related to his death, This was avery great shock to me and therefore 1 was unable to give as much consideration to the problem connecetd with the Wistar Institute as I have originally intended. Even now correspondence with the Executors, Solicitors etc. in England occupies two solid afternouns per week and 4t present, definitely an important factor in delays to answer letters etc. On May lst I am moving to Philadelphia although Irena will still stay in Englewood until we find a house in the Philadelphia area, We have sold our house but have not as yet found a suitable (pricewise) dwelling in Pennsylvania. I noticed with great regret that your sights now are directed onhy Westward=Ho . At the same tim e I realize that you may have decided to stay in Wisconsin because of new develppments in = the field of Medical Genetics, Billsngham is arariving at Wistar on October 10th and is bringing an timmunogenbticisty from Caltech with him. George Klein is still undecided hecause of t= the Swedish temptations, They would like to make him a professor but so far these are only words. If Klein decides to come to USA he will come to Wistar. If he definitely refuses hhen there will be amxmgem another opening. In the meantime I had to prepare an application for federal matching grant to altearation and modernization of the laboratory space, and 1f we shall be able to get the grant the Institute will undergo considerable amount of face lifting Medawar was here and told that you were unfortunately in Wkiesensitn England when he aw was in Wisconsin, I hope that your Australiank venture im has materialized and t that you definitelyw will stay in India, Because of the above problems I came to Chécago only for one day and returned im- mediately to Phhladelphia, I am sorry that I missed our two weeks at your lab and in your company but I am certain that I will be ably to come in the fall after your returm from the Orient if you ,111 still agree to have me in your laborato- rye I doubt that I will develzop a fantastic attachement for Philadelphia, If the long term prospects at berkely should materialize I would like very mich“think about them. "Aujourd'htht 1thomme desire immensement, mais/il vent faiblement' Even thougn Philadelphia climateetc. perhaps we shall be able tc see you before Australia,India etc. In the mamtimm meantime our best to you Yours (Ven Hilary