lw February 9, 1960 Dear George-- Certainly you must come with the family. {! had bhought you might prefer to leave Peter and Margareta, in which case you would have been able to make a definite financial advantage from your trip (as you would by all means deserve). However, | think you can still manage quite comfortably if you prefer to use your resources for their travel, and the girl's. Your girl may find that SKr 1,000 for three months will not go very far here, but if she is willing to forego having an American salary for the sake of the trip, this will still give her some spending money. | do not think you should use your own PHS grant funds for this trip. If you havea a net of $800 per month, you wil! have no trouble meeting your expenses on this. You will probably pay 250- 275 for rent, for a luxurious home, which is the main expense that will seem inordi« nate to you. Restaurant meals are very expensive here, and you may feel that you could not afford too many of them, but the other costs for food and necessities will not be so very défferent from what you are accustomed to. On that S800 you should just manage yo be able to finance a carfor the time of your stay. | suspect that you will be pestered by some few demands for talks at other unifversities en route; perhaps these can also be of some financial help, though | hope you will not feel pressed to accept too many engagements. If your girl fs a good worker, and can help you in housework, petbaps some laundry and cooking, as wel} as care for the children, she will be a worthwhile asset. On the whole, I can stil} conscientiously recommend that you continue with your plans. At worst, you will be only slightly pinched, and you will know that you may be foregoing some extravagances for the benefit of having your children with you. Yours,