INST. FOR TUMORBIOLOGI KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 Dog . JS? Ao” DEPT. OF TUMOR BIOLOGY Cw KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 December 1, 1958. _ V GXcek™ Professor Joshue Lederberg Department of Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin U.S.A. Dear Joshua: Many thanks for your letter of November 27 and the draft of your address for the Nobel banquet. My main objection against the latter would be that its language is at a level too high for the audience. I am afraid that very few people will understand what you mean. With regard to those who will, I am not guite sure that possibility of offence by misunderstandings quite excluded, as you are well aware of. This is particularly so with to the older and more dignified categories. However, it is entirely for you to decide what to say; danger can a- rise only from misunderstanding. Personally, I like the speech and I certainly agree with your points. As. to the audience, I think that a2 little less condensed contents and an easier language would be an im- provinent. This, however, is only a suggestion; you can very well keep it as it is. We may discuss this more in person. Looking forward to see you both on Sunday and to welcome you here again, yours as ever, | er VP GK/b1