January 10, 1948. ore de Sonal, Inatitut Pasteur, Faris. eur Juojes. I have been waiting te ses your aanuscript before replying, but evidently it has been delayed. | I did some work on drug resistance in Kel? a couple of years ago, urd as I recall did mance to gelect for recombinants using azide and strentonyein, but this work was not pushed very fer, and i dco not hove those stocks. Using matritionsl selection, it wes aacy to show that these resistunce factors segregated and wiles reconbined in cvotetrophe. 1 | wag unzble then to get any very cleacut proflevine resistant mtsats. If you would see any advantoce in the attempt , I would be glacito try to see whather T could succeed in crossing the strains with which you are having difficulty. | There is very little more I can add to zene enzyme studies thet f have hot ublreecy eitten. T balfeve thet I have already tol: you of .ay kinetic studies of the Ma effect on Kel2 lactase. Je are in process of extracting | the enzyme, like yourself, from a variety of mtents. Cne noint worth mentioning, au passant, is that one mutant class (Lac, -7 which has hitherto appeared. to be rigidly Laotoae~negative, is canable of edapting to produse a galactosiduse whieh will attack lactase, but only fn the presence of buty) galuctoside, not with lactose. This is a further indication, that the genetic effects are mostly on the adaptation mechcnisna, and, for thea most part, do not have to do directly with the specificities of the enzyies. A further indicution of this is given by the temperature matent referred to in the enslosed abstract. mekek In this mtant, the effect of temperature is not on the activity of the enzyme but on its formation. Before we were aware of your findings on amylomeltase, Doudoroff and I had been working on the mechanisn of maltose uthiization in the sunoressor suabdnation Lie3-S.% which is Mal-Gluf. Your findings have teen confirmed, aad waltose is assLailzted via. volysaccharide both in the suppressor stock and dn kel2. however, we cannot account for the total utLlization of multose y3tes in substuntaully by dry cell prens. contadning a awyloualtase, but does not with Iintuct celis, although slucose sunplied | by intuct cells of the sugressor. Glucose aceu: ayuincluy sroportions whan maltose 4s t L i to these celis is not tevched. Our ouner has bean submitted to the Jour, Sioi. Chea., but orobably will not be in print for soue tine. Until recently, Io had been extracting lnctese in Grean's ‘et crushhage gill, but at Poudoroff'y suggestion I have now nerely been dvying the calls at room tecporatare over 25° Luctese is yerr readily extrected with dilute buffer from the dried cells, This m=*thod his the erest advantsce of ereut flexibility, «nd is very efficient. He were doing sons experiments Lately jon getting antibodies to lactuse, but with no encovragerent 30 far. | vith bes$ revards, Cordially, Joshua Lederberg tg