Dept. Genetics, * University of wisconsin. October 6, 1948. Dear Jacques, Thank you for your reprint on adaptation. I hope that the cultures I sent you wiii heve reachsou you, end perhaps Leen cf scme use. Using oenitrophenyl beguiuctuside as a chromorenic substrite, I have been continuing my work un coli Luctuse. The substrate has proven to be a very useful tool. Gali free extructs of very high potency have been resdily obtained from K-12 with the Booth-Green “111 (thanks to Dr. Green, who is on our campus now), but nearly comnpruble activity cin be gotten out by «ntolysis overhicht under toluene. Prolonged autolysis leads to diminution of recovery. two interesting points hive comes uo in relation to the "isolated" anzyne. Firstly, is a reyuirenent for, or rather 4 strong stiaulution by Na ion. Preparations made up in phosphate or glucerophosphate buffer are stimluted up to 100% by 4/50 NaCl or NaS0, . The other alkali metuls and AH, are either inert or inhibitory (competitive?). A requirenuent for phosphate has been rigorously excluded (unless £ i “5 or less is already optimil) by tests in barbit:l and in glycerophosphate buffer, and anslyses for inorganic phosphate. Jeconfiix 1s the inhibition net only by lactose, but by every reducing sucir I have tried, of the enzyme.(with respect to its activity on the galietoside). Sugars not utilized by the organism are ejually inhibitory (e.. cellobiose) and it mikes no difference whether the c ils are Jial- or Yol4 for inhi- bition my mltose., Suercee and trehulose ure inert (the first utilizoble; the second not). This would seem to susrest that the capacity to bind with the enzyne and block its function is relatively nonespecific, while tie srecificty is required to split the substr:te. The preparations show good linear vesponses, extrapplating to the origin both for tine vs. product formed, and for product forned ve. enzyme cone., strongls sunpogrting the unitary character of the enzyae. ahe enzy.e is formed only dn lactose (or other sulactoside) idupted cells of wild typs, anit sone of the several senstic tynes of Lac- so far tested shows any signs of lactase production. All of woich further tends to support the notion of s complex kind of gene enzyme relation- ship. vy work on this aasterial hus been somewhat diverted by the disoovery of hetero- 2ygosis in prototrcphs from crosses of certain K-12 stocks. is you know, the prototropl are typically pureline and are assuzed to have segregated already fro: the previous aygote. 4 stock hus veen found (spontaneous mutant,in 32-161 2?) whieh in crosses with stundurd stocks gives Lacy prototrophs whien ure not stable, but when put on complete, “ELC medina, sesrezate out into Lac- amd Laef types, which are of all possible recombinition eclusses, includiie the hitherto elusive sultiple cautant class, (ioe. Bee Tebeiq- ete...) This interesting ohenomencn seeus tu be sssociited with an cherration in the recion of the dal) iccus, but hasn't beer thoroughly worked out. snotoer item that may be of Interest to you is « new nethod for isolatine biochenic mutaits “hich haus worked wery successfully so far, primarily with suimonella. It de- pends on the fact that penic@ilin (300 CU/ml for coli) is bactericidal only for growir ceiis. If in irradiated suspension is washed :ind inoculated into a synthetic mediua with oenicililin and incubuted 4-6 nours, the growing, non-mutant celis are killed preferentially, amplifying the proportion of mutants among the survivors. amplificatic of 103 and higher nave been found in reconstruction experinents with coli, and with Salmonella, runs in which } the colonies fail to grow on minimal on first test are typical, so far, no evidence of recombination in Salmonella. Jith best rezardsa . Yours sincerely,