tly’ br. George Klein Department af Tusor Biology Karolinska Iastitutet Stockhole 60, Sueden Dear George: To yours of January 3. The bulletin on "Symposia" seams OK. in every respect. that will happen is that the main speakers will take a little longer time, but this is all right and better then pressing the last speaker. Don't worry any further about Szybalski. I have te awk you one favor. My student ani colleague Tetsuo Tino was caught between two stucls, whether he should be accepted through the Japanese or the Unibed States Scciaty. ileo he did not know in good tins that he could be at Stockholm. Would it be possible to accept him ae ea delegate to the Congress? His abstract will be sent through the United States Comaittee, copies eiclosed. He had communicated with Professor Akiba in Japan and was accepted in principle there, but the deadline posed a difficult problem. He would like to be considered as 4 Jelegate either from Japan or ins U. 5. as seems most apt. He «ill be here until mid-april, and then cto Bruce Stocker at London Apropos antibody preduction: 10-20% a ths cells from a lymph node suspension (secondary raspcnse) produce one or the other; so far, none have done both, I will probably not be in a dendition to do anything involving the tomers until after the symposium, so we must be aure to discuss it in ldadison. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg JL/ew