MAR 13 1963 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS OSAKA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL 33 JOANCHO, KITAKU, OSAKA, JAPAN >. ~\% S Q March 11, 1963 % s Prof. J. Lederberg ( Department of Genetics, Stanford University, School of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, Palo Alto, California, U. S. A. Dear Professor Lederberg: On behalf of all the promoters for the institute of molecular genetics, I would like to express our hearty thanks to you for your kind letter of March 1, 1963. Many young scientists who are now staying in foreign = countries from Japan, as well as within the country, earnestly — desire us to establish an authorized research organization for FE molecular genetics in Japan. az In this stage, we believe that the fact we have obtained ad the support from leading sctentist like you will add much power — in carrying out our plan. => We heartily wish you to call at this laboratory in Osaka University, when you have a chance to come to our country again, though the core of the institute is stil very small in scale at present. Very sincerely yours, iy . ' YY. aD Kp -feoure ; Hideo Kikkawa Professor