March 1, 1963 Professor Hideo Kikkawe Department of Genetics Osaka University Medical School 33 Joancho Kitaku, Osaka, Japan Dear Professor Kikkewa: | have been delighted to learn of the bold plans for the expansion of work In molecular blolegy -- genetics, blochemistry and blophysics -- eat Oseke University under your direction. During my visit to Japan | wes deeply Impressed by the contributions to science which your col leagues and compatriots sre making, often under the most stringent conditions. Despite the great diligenee, Industry and Intelligence with which your research problems ere attacked, there can be no question of the severe Himitations on the possibitities of Important sclentific progress which are Imposed by the lack of sultable conditions In which to work, and the organization of an effective team of collaborators with advance training In many fields. The group thet you are bringing together Is one of high and demonstrated talent, and | wish you all success In the realiza- tion of your worthy aspirations for the benefit of science in Japan and In the whole world. With cordial best regards, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics wae ay on