FEB 1 1 1963 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS OSAKA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL 33 JOANCHO, KITAKU, OSAKA, JAPAN February 6, 1963 Prof. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical School, Stanford University Palo-Alto, California, U. S. A. Dear Professor Lederberg: During last decade, we have been realizing the importance of molecular genetics and from that point of view we are now planning and making various efforts for establishment of an institute of this field at Osaka University. To bring into realization of this institute as soon as possible, it is important and also powerful for us to have supports not only from our country but also from world wide famous scientists like you in the case of negotiation with Japanese government; Therefore, we shall be very much obliged to you if you would send us a letter to give courage in order to realize our desire, as soon as possible. Very sincerely yours, Medea Kh haere Hideo Kikkawa chine Hit Yukinori Hirota Mion AG Akira Tsugita Herao Ube he Hisao Uchida