Title: Molecular Genetic Study on Enzyme in Microorganisms Investigator: Hideo Kikkawa; Institution: Osaka University COMMENTS (If more space is required please use additional page). This group has been working under great difficulties with great enthusiasm and diligence. We have robbed Japan of many of the country's able young scientists, and will doubtless continue to rely on this source of talent. Conscience and self-interest merge in justifying support of this effort to set up a decent research setting, which is also a unique training facility. These are able people; their success in mobilizing funds for a serviceable building is already miraculous and I have no hesitation in recommending full support. The alternative is to seduce them all to pursue their careers in the U.S., not really the best answer in the long run -- at least we should leave some seed corn! The research project is entirely reasonable -- they know what they are about. Numerical Rating for Merit X 1. Highly meritorious Joshua Lederberg 2/13/63