DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS OSAKA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL 33 JOANCHO, KITAKU, OSAKA, JAPAN Jan. 28, 1963 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical Center Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh, Since I came back to my laboratory in Osaka on 1960, I got feelings that it is possible to do my own classic type of genetic works but very difficult to develope the works into the field of modern biology. We needs good co-workers who have experiences in the fields of biochemistry or biophysics, such as A. Tsugita and H. Uchida, in a laboratory where well equipped, and we have decided to ask to ministry of education which governs our university to make our own laboratory having 3 units, genetics, biochemistry and biophysics. Fortunately, Professor P. Doty of Harverd Univ. kindly asked to the Ford Foundation and $8,000 were donated to our plan on 1963, And now, we are started to ask ministry of education to elect such a laboratory. In order to realize it, letters of supporting the plan from bright researchers not only from this country but also from overseas to demonstrate that the plan is really necessary at the present moment, This is why we enclose a letter in the same cover, If you could support this plan for us, please write a letter suggesting the plan is really necessary and fruitful to develope the new field of science in this country. Yours very sincerely, diene Hirota