DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS FACULTY OF MEDICINE, OSAKA UNIVERSITY Joancho-33, Kitaku, Osaka, Japan. February |, 1957 Professor J. Lederberg The University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Hall, Madison 6, Wisconsin, U. S. A. Dear Professor Lederberg: - Thank you very mich for your kind letter of Jan. él, 1957. I talked the content to Mr. Hirota, and he desires to go abroad and to work under your guidance. I can guarantees his scientific ability, but as he is still not good at English conversation, he worries about the possibility whether he is able to pass the examination of the Fulbright Commission, or not. However, even if he fails in it, he wishes to go abroad as soon as possible by his own expense. I shall be very glad if you would agree to accept Mr. Hirota's application for a position under the condition. If so, please send me or Mr. Hirota the formal permission of the position, because it is necessary to present the permission to the Fulbright Commission. to hear Both I and Mr. Hirota are very sorry,that you have some difficulty in the attempt to reproduce the result on the removal of F from E. coli by the treatment of cobalt. Recently, however, Mr. Hirota has found that F= strains are obtained more easily by the treatment of acriflavin than cobalt. For example, if F+ cells are grown for 2), hrs in the broth containing acriflavin (200 ug/ml) at 47°C, many F- colonies will appear as shown below. Strain used Y-lo F+ . F-colonites/total colonies Control (Broth, no acriflavin) 0/10 Experiment (Broth tacriflavin, 100 ~g/ml ) 5/10 Experiment (Broth + acriflavin, 200 ~vig/ml ) 10/10 Therefore, he states that he will try to get the F- strain from any F+ strain for you, if you wish to obtain it. Please send your F+ strains to him, and let him try various methods. Yours sincerely, H,. Kikkawa -—— Professor of Genetics.