March 27, 1963 Mrs. Sargent Shriver Timber lawn Edson Lane Rockville, Maryland Dear Mrs. Shriver: 1! was happy to teke note of the dinner in your honor, which Is being held in Sen Francisco on Friday, April 5. Unfortunetely other matters make [it Inconvenient for me to attend, but | hope that the occasion might stil! allow for an opportunity to take an hour or so of your time to discuss some of the progress we have been making towards the operations of the Kennedy Labora- torles here. in addition, | thought you might be personally interested in some statistics on the seasonal variation of births that we have been analysing, both with respect to the total population and to the patients in Institutions for the mentally retarded. Would there be any possibility of your visiting us In an informal way on Friday morning? Yours cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL:as P. S. | have to admit to something of an ulterlor motive tn suggesting this conversation, as | thought it quite possible that you might be particularly interested [In this line of Investigation and it is one where, frankly, your personal Interest might be a very great help in the mobilization of the necessary data. 67