December 6, 1952 Doctor J. Oréze Professor of BacterLology Scheel of Medicine Angers, Maine et Loire, France: Dear Professor Ordzé: Your letter of November 27 has just been received, and I have read it with great interest. I am not eure that I have thoroughly understood your experiment. May I ask the following details? 1. Y understood thet 5. typhi H-901 coxnpletely lacked a Vi antAgen, and therefore sould not be given a phage type. According to my associate, Dr. Spioer, who hae worked in Dr. FPelix' laboratory at Colindale, London, the H-901 is used as the type for non-Vi preparations: Similarly, Booy & Wolff (see below) rely on this in their study. 2. Exactly what tempereture and time of treatment was used to kill the S. paratyphi B (Ranson). 3. How was T M isolated from the treated culture of TR? Is it that the latter is so rough that it agglutinates, while the T M grows in the cupernate: I ask these questions to determine whether your findings can be correlated with our own studies on so-called "transduction" in Salmonella. We have found that various traite can be tranemitted from one culture to another by means of certain phages. As shown in the enclosures, these traita adnoclude not only various physiological characteristics, but also the H antigens. Dr. Spicer @m now working on the traneduction of O antigens. We have not yet considered the Vi antigen, but Booy and Wolff (Antonte v. Leeuwenhoek, 1952, 181183-189) have reported the partial tranemission of Vi antigen fron 3. ballerup to S. typhi H-901.I do not mow how their phenomenon correlates with ours either. Our phages withstand one hour at 58° 0., but are quickly destroyed at texperatures over 70°. Our first studies have been published in the November, 1952, issue of the Journal of Bacteriology. As secon as possible, I will send you a reprint. Meanwhile, the enclosures may be of interest to you. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetica FeS. Have you seen aleo Anderson's paper, The aignif ~ of S. typhi. yours Hygieme 49:458~470, 195 Bignificance of Vi-phage types Fl and Fe 7 1 ? He finde that the phage types can be modified