. BOTANISCH TITUT October 2, 1957 Minchen 38, den... VO LODE: DER UNIVERSITAT MONCHEN Menzinger Strafe 67 Germany ) Telefon 639 25 orstand: Prof. Dr. L. Brauner Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you very much for the culture ( W-3231) of which I return the acknowledgement copy . Before we open the culture we would like to know if it is the bacterial of the L-ephase of E.coli. Actually we would like to have both, the stable L-phase and the original bacterial strain. We would be most graceful to hear from you again about the ship- ped culture and would appreciate to get also the missing phase, depending on what W-3251 is. Thank you very much indeed for your helpfulness, Very sincerely yours, ? U? Pie,