UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The School of Medicine DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY November 18, 1955, Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: Orville Wyss, as Chairman of the Program Committee of the Society of American Bacteriologists, has asked me to organize a sym- posium on Cellular Organization in Relation to Function, for the afternoon of May 3, 1956, in Houston, Texas, Our purpose is to help open up the relatively new field which relates subcellular structure with biochemical function, Participants are promised publication of 250 word abstract,in Bacteriological *roceedings, as they would have for ordinary contributed papers, and Dr, Perry Wilson, I understand, will include in Hacteriological Proceedings a two-page report on the symposiun, It seems to me that the cultivation of this relatively new field will be better served by a considerable number of relatively brief illustrative reports with discussion rather than by extended reviews, Therefore I am thinking in terms of perhaps eight papers of 15 minutes each, with five to ten minutes for discussion of each, Your account of the actual physical transfer of genetic material in conjugating bacterial cells was most exciting to me on the occasion of your visit to Philadelphia, is it reasonable to hope that by next May you may have enough details and illustrations to be willing to present them in our symposium, along with such genetic data as there is time for in such a brief presentation? If, as I certainly hope, this is true, may I ask for a title, since unfortunately the program has to be set up far ahead of time, “ Sincerely yours, SM:jih Stuart Mudd