Froblea: If the unite (autone) of an allele each produce a gael] part of an engyme ani they ere put together in a particular sequence, it is urlerstandable why the necianian is stopped if one muton in the saxue chromosome ie defect. The rroblem ia whether, in ease the defect muton ie supplied fro= a virus ( N » Bore synthesis of scuplete engyme can teke place, 1,€., without recombination to a cigform., In other words, ig it poesible to devise more sensitive methods than cell division and coloniformetion for the study of ensyme synthesia? Accordins te vacc!, at least 102° molecules af glucose are reeded to sake ore “acterial coll Uvide, wherees less then 2 x 10” molecules sre needed to produce SC phages, The follow- ing mthod is proposed, Kurahasht has found thet Lederberg's nunber 83091 and W309 of Kyo) are MGel uridyl trenaferase~less. CrosaA 3091 with Kyo 309k, wash and starve; then induce with U.Y. light, teke @m alicuot con- taining about 10° celle and plate on galactoee agar which hae in advarce been inoculeted with a very large amount of Gal + £. cold to which \'is virulent. In a population of about 1000 K, yA there should be between © and 5 big plaques due to reeembinants. If the transduced but nonerecombined Kyo also can produce enzyme, but auch less effectively, a mmber of severel hundred small plaques shoujd appear after an induction period of 1 to 3 hours, for instence. “ince many enayuee have rete eccnstente (number of soles substrate reacted per nole ensyne protein) amounting to between 20° to 10” substrate molecules per hour, only between 10 and 1000 protein molecules of g@lactokinase need be produced duting 1 hour to make enough vorcal to start a mall plaque. Thia is a true trigger reaction in the genge thet one induced Kyo ) being lysed will lysocenise about 5 to SO surrounding sensitive §, coli end so on, Controls: ‘Transduced w3091/W3091 (>) or W309k/ W309k, 1.0. teronses! of sane auton should not «tre any plaqes,. An experisent af the sane type, am well ag on controls, could actuslly aso be run on the sutents of gelecto kinase. Te outlired technicuws mi-ht also be used on mixtures of protoplasts inside s eellophane container, ueing heavy ineculation beth of induced Kyoh » Gale and of sensitive K E, gol, gal? jis This principle should also be considered for use in trying te pick up phenotypic segregation of f-glucurenidase in spernatcscos from hybrid sice. “permetosoos are incubated with ¢lucoseeglucuronide at pil bhe3. About 200 spermatesoos are spread on agar without eny earboen source and pleted with starved 5,). induced Eo hae indicator strain (heavy bectorial inoeulete). The spermatozoo is the feeder of the Kaphe In a hybrid population one should observe two types of pleques: lerge en! small (difference in siset 1 to 3 or more). In homomyg., OG (i.e. high f-glucuronidese titer) only lerge pleques should be present, in homesyg., eg (low glucuronidase titer) only small plaques sheuld appear, If the spermatezee population of a single individual show only small fluctuations, such a technique should be able toreveal phenctypic segregation in heterosygetes (Og) ie@s, SOE large plaques end 50% emall. One prerequiatte wich is important ig that the ebeteates used, whether it ia galactose or eellobiuronie acid, must be wery pure. Any trace of glucose wuld disturd greatly. * Another variation of this experiment would be to use Kyp gal + (3 )) aa the indicator strain on the g@ actos agar wd intues with 0.9, several tims after plating. This would in effect més the Gal+ sensitive after lysogenisation, ¥ Meeli strain which is sensitive te xwithout any induction, 4% would obviously be prefershle),