Noveriber 1?, 1953 Dr, R, G, E. “urray Department of Bacteriology University of Western Ontario Victoria Hospital Lomion, Ontario, Canzda My dear Murray: Thank you very much for your courtesy in senting the reprints and draft just received, I have not yet had time to study your reuarks more carefully, but am excited to see how well they have anticipated the conclusions that I am just now beginning to crystalize from studies with /, coli K 12, I was impressed to notice in our material that after Giemsa staining every so often unhydrolysec cells would show a red mclear staining acuinst a very dark blue-purple cytoplasm. The melei, unfortunately, not too sharp, appeared here penerally sac-!1kc and not like the discrete granule after hydrolysis. Perhaps most of the nuclei are vascular consisting of a hypo~chromatic "matrix" in which the Feulgen-positive acid- resistant granules arc embedded, I am, however, inclined to regard ticse granules as possibly hyper-chromatic blocks in the chromosome spilin;, I could not readily reconcile most of the cramile firures with a mitovic se- quence, but if the figures arc coup rable to the chromocenters of interphase miclet of hisher Soras the contracicitions may still be resolvable, .On the other hand, occas sionnl figures cre compelling rominisce::t of mitotic seperation, How= ever, I do not see spindles, If there is something co.warable co mitosis (and of course, there has to be 4f only to comprehend haploid and diploid K 12) per- haps the spindle or its mechanical analerc is confined within the meclear menbrane as it is in so many Protista. (Ore of the clef reasons I had been suspicious of - attempts to force all of the «remle firures into a mitotic mold is thet I could often see connections between the separate "chrouosoncs.") Ina few fortun te cases these scem to have been strung out as in the enclosed prints, (3y the way, I had taoucht that the Giemsa technique ealled for diluting the strain in rether cLlute buffer at pH 7. I had a let of trouble on tiis count when I swrht to use strong enough buffer to actually control the pH of the stain solution, This should be about 5 not 7. I now use the commercial siz:in Ciluted in 1/10 pil 5 phosphate buffer 1:10 for 10 to 15 mimutes, Abopon (‘luted 2:1 in buffer and filtered at %) degrees has proved to be an indispensable mountin: agent (Sollowine Delaporte), with occasional trouble from erystallivation, We still ere primarily concerned with the sul:iy problem rether than these questions of muclear structure though £ “ind it diffic 1t to see how we will be able to avoid the litter, Thouvh w have little new direct cytolorical evidence on mating, we now have Sairly divect demonstrations that the synkeryons have the full veretie complenent o° ~eth parents althourh there ere leter climin: tions th: t influence segregation ratios, Yours very sinecercly, JL/ew Joshua Lederberr